One of the core universals in movement is prayer. You will not find movement de-coupled from prayer. The connection to the heart of God that prayer provides is a part of the core DNA of God movements - there is no way around this. There are many different types of prayers and just as many styles to go alongside of them. One style that I’m drawn to in particular is liturgical-focused prayer times. Liturgy in simple terms is an order of service. Considered a bit more deeply, I think it is about the work of worship that a community does together; it is intentional, focused and centered on guiding a community into the presence of God together. Simple ritual and words and experiences invite the presence of God in a really unique way (I personally believe).
At my day job, we have regular times of prayer as a community and do it in a number of different ways. I have been asked to periodically craft 30-45 minute liturgical spaces for the community to enter into together and I thought I would post them here as a little break from the more work focused content. Below is the first one I did focused on interceding for the nation of Kenya. For public posting, I have changed the names of specific people as I’m not sure if they want their names posted on the internet (message me though and I can share actual names).
Setup: Draw a map of Kenya with the 8 provinces of Kenya outlined. Also, in the center of the circle (assuming the group is sitting in a circle) on a table or tray place a larger central candle surrounded by 8 smaller tea lights. If you are facilitating, don’t rush through everything. Give space for people to encounter God together. Write the closing prayer out for everyone to read.
Opening Song: Breathe by the Brilliance (to be played when you officially start as a song to invite the presence of God and center the hearts of the participants)
Lighting of the Candle and Opening Prayer:
Facilitator 1: “Spirit of God, as we light this candle, we recognize your presence, that you are here with us now. We recognize that you are here giving us life by your very breath. Continue to breathe as we come before on behalf of your beloved in Kenya. Continue to breathe as we go forth from this place.
Facilitator 2: Spirit of God, as we light this candle, we recognize the son Jesus as the light of the world. We let it’s light shine forth on all of us and through us. We let it’s light shine forth into Kenya today. We let your light shine forth to not be over come by darkness. Amen.”
Facilitator 1: We want to move into a time of focused prayer for Kenya. Just as there are 8 regional provinces in Kenya we have 8 key prayers on our heart that reach into the heart of God for this beloved nation and people. For each topic we will read out a short prayer and then call on one of you to respond in prayer focused around that topic. Please pray what’s on your heart for it and then come to the whiteboard and pick one province and color it in to symbolize the presence of God, in Kenya, around that particular prayer point. Then light an additional tea light to continue to fill this space with the light of God.
- Facilitator 2: The first topic is the Presence of The Spirit. Heavenly Father, we thank you not only for the promise of your presence but also it’s fulfillment. We thank you that as we go, you go with us. We thank you that more than we can even see, you are already in these places, even in Kenya. Invite someone to pray.
- Facilitator 1: The second topic is that the Blood of Jesus Would Reconcile Kenya in all it’s different spaces and places. We thank you Jesus for your blood shed on the cross that reconciles all things here on earth and in heaven. We thank you for the hope and possibility in this for Kenya. Invite someone to pray.
- Facilitator 2: The third topic is that the Peace of Jesus would reign in the lives of people and tribes. We thank you that as your blood reconciles, the peace of Christ opens life changing possibilities for reconciliation between differing people, cultures and tribes. We thank you for the work that [Gerry] has done to bring Kisii and Calingen and Masai together. We yearn for your peace between East Pokot and Turkana and others. May your peace reign Jesus! Invite someone to pray.
- Facilitator 1: The fourth topic is that His Kingdom would be Established to the furthest reaches of Kenya. There is need and possibility and hope in what you are doing Jesus, through the ministry of [Gerry] and His leaders (and others!). Bring your kingdom through it! Invite someone to pray.
- Facilitator 2: The fifth topic is the Commission of Jesus to make disciples of all nations. We long to see those from Sotik and Chepilat go to East Pokot and the Turkana and beyond. We believe you are raising disciples for this and pray for these workers of the harvest from Your harvest. Invite someone to pray.
- Facilitator 1: The sixth topics is that Justice Would Be Known in Kenya. We long to see Kenya be a place known for Justice rather than corruption. We lift up those that are caught in schemes of corruption and those that feel trapped and overly burdened by it. Jesus may your Justice be known in their situations! May your Justice be known throughout Kenya! Invite someone to pray.
- Facilitator 2: The seventh topic is Mercy for the Alien. In particular we lift up the Somali and Sudanese refugees who are frequently persecuted and feel out of place. We pray that your people in Kenya would welcome them and extend the peace of Christ, and in that, that your Kingdom would come and that the Somalis (and others) would know the reconciliation power of the Blood of Jesus. Invite someone to pray.
- Facilitator 1: Finally, we pray that Kenya would be a place that Celebrates the diversity of cultures in your kingdom. We imagine the end, when all of your people gather around your throne, from every tribe tongue and nation. We imagine that happening now, in Kenya, among the many diverse peoples and cultures and places. Invite someone to pray.
- Facilitator 2: If anyone has any additional prayers for Kenya on their heart, feel free to speak them out now. Give space, time depending, for free prayers.
Blow out all the candles:
Everyone Together: “As we blow out these candles we aren’t extinguishing the light. Rather we take it with us wherever we go, whether near or far, whether fish Hoek or Nairobi.”
Closing prayer: Ask for a volunteer